Pray Without Ceasing

Text by Wilbert Lirag


Psalm 33: 4-12 (NASB)

For the word of the Lord is right,

And all His work is done in faithfulness.

He loves righteousness and justice;

The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord.

By the word of the Lord the heavens were made,

And by the breath of His mouth all their lights.

He gathers the waters of the sea together as a heap;

He puts the depths in storehouses.

Let all the earth fear the Lord;

Let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him.

For He spoke, and it was done;

He commanded, and it stood firm.

The Lord nullifies the plan of nations;

He frustrates the plans of peoples.

The plan of the Lord stands forever,

The plans of His heart from generation to generation.

Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord,

The people He has chosen for His own inheritance.


It was on the right side of the main library of UPLB when I was a student that I learned how to pray for the nations. Together with prayer warriors, we prayed every dawn and evening on weekdays. 

Sometimes, I will find myself crying out in travailing prayer. I will let my hunger for His presence manifest through my body. 

There were times in the silence when we prayed that tears would flow. I will experience deep peace and assurance that what I prayed for is already answered. 

I remember a time when I woke up to attend a prayer meeting and walked on my way to the library despite the strong winds and heavy rain. Upon arriving, I saw the prayer leader waiting for people. We talked for a while and sat down. Since it was already time to start, we worshipped the Lord with all our hearts. Then, we asked His presence to come in our midst and fill us with the Holy Spirit. We prayed to the Lord of the harvest. We prayed for the nations. We asked God to send forth laborers to the harvest field.

In another dawn prayer meeting, I had a vision. I saw everyone in the circle praying with me in different costumes. It’s like a United Nations parade. And I saw the fulfilment of that vision several years later.

A fundamental lesson I learned through the years is to keep praying. And the Lord is so faithful to His word.

In 1 Thessalonians 5:17, Paul said to pray without ceasing. It is not enough to hear and remember that verse. Instead, the better way is to live it out every day. Do it most especially when you are praying without ceasing for the salvation of the nations.

Beloved, when God calls and qualifies you, wherever you as you read this, here’s the truth, 

The plan of the Lord stands forever,

The plans of His heart from generation to generation.

His purposes will prevail so take courage, hold on, and bring the Kingdom of God in your place.


Let’s pray:

Our Father, the source of our joy, we pray that You will strengthen each one reading this.

For every mother who is about to give birth,

for every father and man in the house working to provide for his family,

for every student studying your word,

for every professional bridging the gap for Heaven on earth in their workplace,

and for every person who You have called by name, send forth Your Holy Spirit to meet them where they are.

As they pray for the nations and bless the nations with the work of their hands, fill them with the Spirit of wisdom and understanding.

Lord, provide them insights on how to act according to the season and make decisions that will impact generations.

Lord, we pray for the new generations of believers standing in Your word and promises.

I see students praying for the sick in their classes. I see government employees standing for Your truth and justice. I see engineers and architects downloading blueprints and resources from Heaven to prepare different people in the nations to see Your goodness, our Lord. Call them to repentance and to worship Your name, oh Lord.

Let Your angels surround them and guide them.

Oh Lord, we pray for favor for every DMI family member You placed and positioned in the nations to display Your Kingdom and Your glory. Fill them with Your peace and love to overflow in their community, in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Wilbert Lirag stays in Chiang Mai, Thailand together with his wife Rachel and their daughter Lanna. Right now, he works as a funnel builder and an email copywriter while helping an NGO in Chiang Mai with their online marketing. His love for the Word of God started when he received his first bible when he was freshman student in UPLB. As a lifelong learner, what excites him daily is to see God's words renew and transform his mind and other people. 


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