A True Servant Leader

Text by Emelita Vargas-Anderson



Matthew 20: 26-28 NASB

It is not this way among you, but whoever wants to become prominent among you shall be your servant, and whoever desires to be first among you shall be your slave; just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.


In the physical world, leadership is always synonymous with being strong and of prominent stature. Always about control and acquisition of power. Yet, Jesus, the King of Kings, taught a different kind of Leadership. As shown in multiple accounts in the Bible, He was the type of leader throughout his life that led by example. A true servant leader is one who is a servant first, on the ground with his people. The kind of leader who serves others to show the way teaches by doing and correcting in true love.

Pondering upon those verses, Jesus emphasises serving. As Christians and a spiritual family, we have committed to serving each other in the church as well as in our families. Jesus led his early ministries, and called and gathered uniquely, hesitant, unexpected individuals. No announcement nor asked for volunteers, instead, He picked them. He called them by name, each one equally important. This serves true through the many generations. Just like you and me. It was never an accident how Jesus found us. You were called, you were picked, you responded, you committed, you serve and you continually keep your feet on the ground in service to Him through church and through our lives. In each one’s Spiritual journey and living with Jesus, we discover our spiritual gifts, our calling, our anointed expressions of service, and ministries of your choice. Eventually, you lead; in the ministry, or in your family. You mature in the faith, bigger responsibilities, and greater things, yet the scriptures remind us – to never cease to humble ourselves, no matter what we have accomplished. In whatever you do, big or small, always know, that Jesus finds you significant and important. It is that mental picture of how Jesus washed his disciple’s feet, the perfect example – he never missed anyone. A true leader is one who knows his people, knows them by name, knows their story, and knows what matters to them. 


Friends, let us focus our eyes on Jesus and the deeper meaning of Servant Leadership. Let us live in our purpose, based on His examples. Let us not forget how He came to give up His life, so we can have ours.

Emelita Vargas Anderson is known to some as Emily but her closest friends and family call her Honey. She's an IT Professional and a Children’s Book Author working in NYC. She writes to inspire, motivate, encourage, and empower happiness. What she likes most about the Word of God is that it remains true in all generations. For her, the Word will forever be her guide in everything that she does in life.

AUTHOR: Emelita Vargas Anderson

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