At His Feet

Text by Emelita Vargas-Anderson



Proverbs 23: 22-26 NASB

“22 Listen to your father, who fathered you And do not despise your mother when she is old.

23 Buy truth, and do not sell it, Get wisdom, instruction, and understanding.

24 The father of the righteous will greatly rejoice, And he who fathers a wise son will be glad in

him. 25 Let your father and your mother be glad And let her rejoice who gave birth to you.

26 Give me your heart, my son, And let your eyes delight in my ways”


As a young girl, I vividly remember how when our Dad comes home from work, we all run to meet him at the door. “Daddy! Daddy’s home!” We bless, we hug, and we kiss him to welcome him home. We take his attaché case, he then sits at his favorite comfy big chair, and then we compete to see who gets Daddy’s home slippers first so we can get the opportunity to be at his feet. I will sit on the floor to wipe his feet, one of my favorite things as a child. I take his work shoes, socks off, let his feet breathe, and then change to his indoor slippers. It was a small gesture, yet I feel happy during family dinners when he acknowledges it. Little did I know growing up, I would read in the Bible about Jesus washing the feet of His disciples, a reflection of Love and Humility.

The verses speak of two main things: Being a son/daughter to our Fathers and Being a Father. Our relationship with our physical fathers is a reflection of how we also approach our Father God, too, whenever we present ourselves at His feet when we ask strength, comfort, and answers to questions beyond understanding. Ironically, this also happens when we cower and hide when we have sinned; when we are being disciplined; and when we come to repentance that we hope would lead to forgiveness.

The verses speak of us being obedient to the Father, functioning and operating in love. It teaches us how physical fathers need to wear the cloak of Love and Empathy when they father

their own children, spiritual children, and others – those who are fatherless, those who lost their fathers, or those who were abandoned by their fathers. It is beyond biological – it can be emotional, physical, and spiritual. A father who has the capacity to LOVE beyond measure, beyond limitations, beyond restrictions, and beyond conditions. A father who teaches wisdom, understanding, and discipline to their children as they also are continuously learning from their own fathers, other fathers, or from their Father God.


How is your heart today? Share your thoughts. Always know, establishing the Father’s Love in us heals and it breathes life, teaches us to be Fathered, and teaches us to be great Fathers.

Learn from the Fathers of the righteous, it brings a smile. Learn to delight the counsel of the Father, it brings joy. Learn to honor the Father, it brings humility.

Emelita Vargas Anderson is known to some as Emily but her closest friends and family call her Honey. She's an IT Professional and a Children’s Book Author working in NYC. She writes to inspire, motivate, encourage, and empower happiness. What she likes most about the Word of God is that it remains true in all generations. For her, the Word will forever be her guide in everything that she does in life.

AUTHOR: Emelita Vargas Anderson

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