Beautiful Timing

“For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven…” Ecclesiastes 3:1

He has made everything beautiful in its time!

There was a time when I became jealous of my friends. Some of them have graders now, six-, seven-, eight-year-old sons and daughters. I wanted mine too. Whenever I would think of the years before my child would be in college, I felt frustrated with how long it might take. I might not enjoy traveling with him/her or playing with my grandchildren. Moreover, several of my friends have established their businesses or traveled far for leisure, while I was left with my personal responsibilities. Sometimes I imagined switching places with them. Until one day, I tied the knot, got pregnant, and had my own daughter. 

The Lord corrected my heart: we cannot compare our own process to those of others. Had I become pregnant when I was younger, I am not sure if I would treasure the little one the same as I do now. My siblings might not have earned their degrees, and I might not be even writing this piece. He taught me to rejoice at the moment and learn from it. We do not know when we can use the knowledge we gained yesterday. Today can be the equipping we would need tomorrow.

Whatever God does endures forever. Indeed, nothing can be added to it nor anything was taken from it. He has predestined everything according to the purpose He has in the heavens. If you are feeling left behind by your peers, have no fear. Your timeline is unique. There is no need to rush things because it might end in disappointment. Our God is always on time. He has never been late. Let us trust His timing.

Rheyn Altoveros

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