Calling the Nations

Text by Rheynalyn Altoveros


Isaiah 49: 22–23, NIV

This is what the Sovereign Lord says:

“See, I will beckon to the nations,

    I will lift up my banner to the peoples;

they will bring your sons in their arms

    and carry your daughters on their hips.

Kings will be your foster fathers,

    and their queens your nursing mothers.

They will bow down before you with their faces to the ground;

    they will lick the dust at your feet.

Then you will know that I am the Lord;

    those who hope in me will not be disappointed.”


A heart for the nations will never be lost. They are engraved in the hearts of those who love Him. 

Once you are a follower of Christ, you’ll find yourself crying out for other people. It could be your family, friends, relatives, or unreached people groups (UPG). Why? It’s because reaching out to the lost is in the heart of God. And He wants to use His children, those who believe Him, to be part of this mission. As we get an exchange of hearts with Him in our spiritual walk, we hear His heartbeat for the lost, for the nations. The call becomes clearer.

We are blessed to be a blessing. It’s part of His great plan for our lives. As we yield and become available for the work of the Kingdom, He will use us to transform people and bring them closer to Him. Whether you’re a sender, mobilizer, goer, or welcomer, there’s a part you can do. And one of the most powerful of them all? Prayers poured out from the place of intimacy with Him.


The nations need our prayers. Prayers can transform a nation and give birth to a new generation. Let us pray.

Father, you are sovereign above all things. We acknowledge Your plans for all of Your children, that they are all good and better than what we have in mind. We believe that it is in Your heart to bless us so we can also become a blessing to those who need Your love. May we recognize this and may Your heart for Your people continue to burn in us.

Help us, oh Lord, to be part of Your great plan. Direct our paths to the people You want us to help, to the land You want us to conquer, to the captives You want us to set free.

We declare for the rising up of Your children in every dark place. That we will be a light to those who are lost. That we will lead them back to salvation.

We pray for those areas and people groups sown with seeds. May they continue to find hope in You. May they find peace and joy in Your plans and promises for them. May they stay in their newfound identity in You.

We pray for those places that remain captive by the enemy’s lies. We declare freedom and restoration! That they will know You and worship You alone. That they will know that they are not forsaken, that You have called them and destined them for greatness. That Your banner will be lifted up on these places. Places that we are yet to know. Places that seem forgotten. Places that are desolated. Yes, all of you, you will come and bow down to the King of kings! You will know that He is Lord!

Lord, compel us. Lead us to these places where You want us to be. We trust You. Amen.

Rheyn is an agriculturist and an aspiring best-selling author. She lives in Bay, Laguna with her husband Pau and their little one, Fave. She currently works as a freelance writer but will be finishing her MS degree soon. She is passionate about seeing the youth surrendering their lives to Jesus and following His ways. What she likes most about the Word of God is the life and reality it carries, how it springs to life whenever she needs it.


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