Christmas is Hope, Love, and Faith

Ps. Paul Yadao

He came to save His people from sins. This is the meaning of the name Jesus. The coming of the Messiah, the Savior of the world, is God’s Good News to all mankind.
On the night Jesus was born, a group of humble shepherds witnessed a heavenly choir declaring and praising God saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth is peace among men with whom He is well pleased.” Luke 2:14. This glorious chorus unveils the significance of the Savior’s birth.
First of all, the coming of Jesus is God revealing His glory- His essence, His nature, His will, and His heart. All that God is, all that God has, and all of His works demonstrate His glory. And Jesus, God’s Son, is the ultimate expression of His glory. In Heb 1:3 it says, “And He is the radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His nature, and upholds all things by the word of His power. When He had made purification of sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high.” Jesus is Immanuel, He is God with us. What a profound truth to live by, that God will be with us all the time and that He is for us and not against us. This is the wellspring of our hope; God has come to save us and dwell with us.
Peace on earth and goodwill to all mankind. This declaration reveals God’s compassion and love springing from the heart of a father. The Hebrew word PEACE means well-being, wholeness, completeness, tranquillity, and prosperity. It captures the essence of the abundant life that Jesus came to impart to all who believe in Him (John 10:10). Peace is not the absence of turmoil but the presence of God in the midst of our chaos and challenges. Biblical peace influences our whole being – spirit, soul, and body. It is expressed in our relationships, our works, our resources, and all of life. Peace is heaven’s influence in us and through us whose hearts have surrendered to the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ.
God is well-pleased with us. Pause and meditate on that. What a word of encouragement in that glorious angelic song that revealed God’s attitude and perspective toward us. When Jesus was being baptized, the Father declared that He is well-pleased with Him. Come to think of this, these are the same words that the angel used to describe God’s affection and intentions towards mankind. Later on, Jesus Christ read the book of Isaiah and declared “this is the Year of God’s favor!” God sees us through the eyes of love, favor, compassion, and mercy despite our sins and failures. What an honor and a privilege to be valued and loved by God to this extent.
During these times of great need and uncertainty brought by the global pandemic, the devastations and hardships because of the recent super-typhoon that ravaged Visayas and Mindanao, the looming economic crisis, and many more, may we learn to fix our eyes on Jesus. The baby born in a stable wrapped up in swaddling clothes is God’s reminder to all that His ways are higher than ours yet He knows our pains and suffering. There is hope, there is a promise of salvation, deliverance, prosperity, and abundant life because the Savior has come. Let us find hope, love, and faith in Him alone.
There is hope because we know He is with us and He is for us. He treats us with kindness, compassion, and grace because He loves us and He is well-pleased with us.
We have His love in us because Jesus came as the ultimate demonstration of His Eternal Love. The Father gave His own Beloved Son because He so loved the world (John 3:16).
Finally, we look to the future with faith because He is faithful. Everything that God promised He will accomplish. Jesus, the Messiah, is the Word Who became flesh and dwelt amongst us, full of God’s grace and truth. If He had manifested the Word in this manner, imagine what the unveiling of His promises in our lives would be.
Therefore, we have all the reason to celebrate this Christmas and be assured of victory in all our circumstances because Jesus Christ has come to save us.
Merry Christmas to all!

Ps. Paul Yadao is the Lead Pastor of Destiny Ministries International, Inc. To read more about his blogs, books, and other activities, visit his website at

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