Greater than Unbelief

“But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do.” James 1:6-8

Sometimes you can pray all you want but doubt so much at the same time. I was like this for a very long time. I had so many second thoughts and what-ifs. “What if this is not the voice of God? What if I’m just making this all up in my mind?” I tend to be overly conscious of my actions like “Am I really worshipping God in this way?”, “Is this possibly God’s way of punishing me?”. These thoughts occupied, crowded, and overpowered my mind. Instead of receiving peace through my prayers, I was piling up worries for myself. I realized this was the problem all along. It was me doubting my prayers. 

I learned that this is not how it should be. God is not fickle. He does not change His mind once in a while depending on our actions. He is consistent. He is trustworthy. We can attest to that through the scriptures in the bible. His words are constant. That is why it is important that we cling to them every time we pray. The scriptures serve as a special weapon against the works of the devil. Those doubts, worries, and distrust are the enemy’s way of making us think that we are not worthy of our prayers. Thankfully, we have the Word of God as our firm foundation. We have no reason to tolerate the lies of the enemy because of what He says in His Word. You know the feeling of confidently standing up for something because you know someone in the authority says so.  That’s the feeling when you have the word of God in your heart. 

If you felt the same way as I was before, maybe you should start believing your prayers now. Make His Word your confidence. Know to whom you are speaking with. He is capable.

Elisse Kimberly Sena

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