Honoring Our Leaders

Text by Rheynalyn Altoveros


1 Thessalonians 5:12-13, NASB

12But we ask you, brothers and sisters, to recognize those who diligently labor among you and are in leadership over you in the Lord, 13and give you instruction, and that you regard them very highly in love because of their work. Live in peace with one another.


How do we respond when pastors or leaders try to correct us and teach us in the right way? Would you respond the same to Jesus, the Great Shepherd?

1 Thessalonians 5:12-13 remind us to honor those who are in leadership over us in the Lord. Who? Pastors and leaders. As we honor Christ, we should do the same to our pastors and leaders. They deserve to be treated well, to be honored in the kind of service they are giving Him and His people. These are the people that the Lord put over us, to equip us for works of service so we may be built up as a body. They are in our lives for a reason, for a bigger picture.

Yes, Jesus is the Great Shepherd. He restores our soul, and He guides us in the paths of righteousness. But pastors and leaders are our earthly shepherds. They are God’s stewards who are after His heart, feeding us with knowledge and understanding from above. They are keeping watch over us, and they are accountable to us. Pastors and leaders are held responsible for whatever actions we do, may it be good or bad. Really, it’s a great responsibility. 

Having confidence in our leaders and submitting to them will give them a boost in their noble calling. Doing so will help them find joy in their roles as shepherds. Who wouldn’t be delighted to see that there is fruit to your labor?


Friends, if you have someone mentoring or leading you in Christ, take some time to thank and honour them. It will be a great joy for them to know that their work is appreciated. 

This month, as we celebrate our pastors and leaders, let us shower them with love and kind words. Let love be in action. 

Rheyn is an agriculturist and an aspiring best-selling author. She lives in Bay, Laguna with her husband Pau and their little one, Fave. She currently works as a freelance writer but will be finishing her MS degree soon. She is passionate about seeing the youth surrendering their lives to Jesus and following His ways. What she likes most about the Word of God is the life and reality it carries, how it springs to life whenever she needs it.


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