Paul Yadao

Lead Pastor

One thing we can say about Pastor Paul: a great Kuya who seized the moment. Him being my Kuya always brings out the greatness in us.

~ Nilo and Jas

Appreciating you kuya/dad Paul for your ever gentleness and wisdom in uniting a ragtag of people with different personalities and ideas.  You always have a way coming up with a mutual concession that everyone agrees.  Your recent brush with Covid also showed an aspect of you about true compassion that is worth to emulate. Happy to be under your leadership, Kuya!

~ Ronnie Beloy

Blessings of all that is awesome and favored. Passion, Amazement, Unveiling and Lavish love be always your daily encounter with God. Thank you for being a friend, mentor, confidante and father to us. We are here for you as your intercessors & children. We love you and ready to serve and be there for you. Overflowing kindness be part of your life.

~ Gilbert Garcia

Labis po akong nagpapasalamat sa Diyos at isa kayo sa ginamit Niya para maging gabay ko sa pagbabagong buhay . Nawa’y marami pa kayong mga taong matulungan para maranasan din nila ang kapangyarihan ng Diyos na baguhin ang isang tao na tulad ko. Labis po akong nagpapasalamat sa inyong lahat

~ Ecto Lescano

Your life is an inspiration to many and to DMI family. I really honor you. I'm grateful that you are there as lighthouse to guide and usher us in our destiny. I believe in you. You are a gift to us and a blessing to the Body of Christ. Your life and works will be a memorial stones for the generations to come. Thank you and Happy Pastor's Month!

~ Ferdie Rapsing

First of all thank you for saying Yes! for the Lord. Truly many lives have been blessed through you, including me and my family. Our Lord is faithful. May He grant you more wisdom and strength and may the Lord continue to use you to reach out many souls for Christ. We love you and Happy Pastors Month.

~ Team Barit

Thank you, daddy Paul for your constant love and support. You've always believed in me even when I'm at my weakest. Thank you for your trust and for seeing the gold inside of me. Thank you for modeling humility and hunger for God's presence. You always inspire me to go deeper in His presence and seek His face. I love you dad!

~ Verge Ascabano

Thank you Daddy Paul for being you constantly, in whatever season you are in. Thank you for always displaying a heart after God, for leading in humility, for being a model in life and ministry, and a father to destiny. Thank you! We appreciate you and all that you do. May the Lord continuously bless you and keep you. May more nations be bless through you. More sons and daughters to be release to their God given assignments through you. Thank you!

~ Val Celeste

I was orphaned at 9 but I was blessed with many fathers. You were one of those and you still are. I am grateful to God that our threads cross paths in this wonderful tapestry whose artist is God. I thank God for the strength, leadership and counsel that you have provided  at times when I need them. Apart from the love that I felt, one thing that I am most grateful for is your trust. Some things cannot be explained but only felt. Thanks kuya.

~ Gerry Panganiban

I honor your heart for God and for His people. Thank you for being an amazing servant leader and example to our generation. I speak exponential increase in all aspects of your life. May you always be healthy and safe.

~ Michael Lico

Thank you po for your leadership and service that are always out of pure love. You have brought us into the culture and spirit of family. Thank you for your heart for people, for showing your genuine love. Cheers to more years of being one as a family. All your sacrifices in the past up to now are all worth it. Salamat po for paying the price. You are an inspiration for all of us, a true servant leader. Your heart speaks a lot. I honor you so much po.

~ Alvin

Thank you very much for Leading all of us in Destiny Ministries International in pursuing God and becoming like His Son Jesus Christ. I admire your passion in pursuing the things of God and His Kingdom. We acknowledge all your sacrifices and labor of love for His people praying and inspiring us to become the person God wants us to be. Only God knows how to reward you fully. Thank you for your Love and Care to me personally. You are a gift to us and to the Body of Christ. We love you and your family! More of His mighty exploits in your life for the next years.

~ Brian

Pastor Paul thank you for showing me what passionate pursuit of His presence looks like. My life is never the same because of this. I pray that God will surprise you with many more breakthroughs as you continue to raise up this generation to the level of calling and commitment you fervently display.

~ Josh

Ptr. Paul and Ptra Ahl I thank God for your lives for your leadership and guidance. In my heart I am immensely grateful that you are our Pastor. You showed us what a servant leader looks like.Your words of wisdom and unwavering faith inspires me. You are a great Pastors and leaders of DMI family.

~ Ernie Logico

Ptr. Paul, thank you for your life and leadership. Your steadfast faith, love, and devotion to the Lord over the years truly inspire us all. Your walk with God speaks to us as real as Paul's words in 1 Cor 11:1 “Be imitators of me, just as I also am of Christ.” God richly bless you, Ptr. Paul!

~ Abe Sianoya

What a season it has been for you - physically and spiritually - and by God's grace you came out victorious! The praise of God never left your lips in life and in death. Thank you for showing us that God is worthy of our praises no matter what. Truly, the Lord is our Shepherd, we shall not be in want.

~ Venite Castillo

From QC LG, thank you Daddy Paul, for the relentless effort in leading Destiny Metro and us for the Glory and honor of the Father, for sharing your life, work, and journey with the Lord, and for being an inspiration, our role model. We pray that He continue to give you strength, overflowing love, and blessings upon blessings to you and your family. We love you!

~ Dazzle Labapis

Ahl Yadao

Lead Pastor

You are one of kind. Artistic, pranka at super generous. Minsan di kita naiinitindihan but i trust you because alam ko you fear God so much and you always want to honor Him. Thank you for modelling me about life, family. Dami mo wisdom kse ang lakas mo kay Lord. Thank you for the prayers too. Di ka mahirap lapitan. Tanda mo nung college sabi ko sa yo gusto ko maging close sa yo, di yun nangyari that time, im glad i was able to catch up later in life. Pinag krus pa rin landas natin.

~ Grace Beloy

You are considered mommy of DMI family, a woman of God. We are so thankful for you. She is a mother, a friend, an intercesor, and a passionate leader. Thank you for shining your light to all of us. We love you.

~ Sol Lijauco





Inspiring much

Realistically down to earth

Amazing thinker

Your lifestyle is inspiring reminder to us to lovingly excel in our shepherding others as well. Pastor’s wife is surely no joke, besides being Pastor ourselves. Declaring graciousness in all our relationships with the flock entrusted to us. Love you.

~ Sol Garcia

Hi Ate Ahl, what I appreciate about you as our lead pastor are the following ?  You are authentic, fashionable, loving, generous, favored, organized, visionary, a woman of wisdom, you put excellence in everything you do, you know how to handle money very well.  Thank you for those simple talks that we had even nung bata pa ako ?.   I learned a lot from you even from afar, you are one of my role models. Thank you very much for leading us.  We love and honor you!

~ Au

Mommy Ahl is a very generous and loving leader. She serves with all her heart, first to God then to His people (esp the nations). I love it when she shares during personal dates or whenever she preaches because she is full of wisdom. Each word will surely pierce every heart and will be transformed.

~ Ann

Ps. Paul & Ps.Ahl, isa sa talagang natanim sa puso at isip ko ay ang inyong walang sawang pag lilingkod saating Diyos Ama. Ang mga sakripisyo na inyongginawa para sa ating ministeryo. Lagi nyo ngangsinasabi puso puso lang yan. Ito ang lagi kongtinatandaan pagdating sa paglilingkod sa Diyos. Huggggssss po!

~ Jovie

Thank you for your tenacious spirit, always contending for dmi family, literally and spiritually. Thank you for modelling excellence in serving the Lord with style. This photo means a lot to me as this was taken during your last visit in Cambodia and at the same time your first sight of our 'little' Sam. Thank you for the love. We miss you???

~ Barbs

Thank you for modelling us how it is to be a servant leader. You’ve shown to us, countless times that the best way to serve God’s people is to bring them to His presence, to a place of intimacy. You did not tell us that battles and breakthroughs are won in our knees; you showed it to us. Thank you for teaching us vulnerability…for allowing us to share our deepest thoughts and desires… Thank you for loving us. Indeed, you are a leader worth following… We will journey with you, pray and support you in reaching 100 nations and beyond…for God's greater glory! We love you! Happy Pastor's appreciation month po!

~ Lester & Jane

Mother Ahl and Pastor Paul simply takes care of you – with no limits, no bounds, no if’s; their love is the epitome of unconditional love. They have taught me and the others; never by mindlessly lecturing and listing of what you should be, but by living as the example you should follow. You’ll only realize later --that the pure love they give to others, is what you aspire to give, as well. Thank you for teaching me what unconditional love is. I have learned to serve the Destiny Family through the same love you have given me. You have taught me that love is not something that should be unconditional but love simply is unconditional and borderless. Just as how He loves us.

~ Cathy

Ps, Mommy Alh. Thank you for bearing the cross, mothering the men & women of Destiny & the nations. Thank you for all the love and sacrifices. Love you & honor you po.

~ Syeh

Thank you for the love, stories and laughter shared with you. From UPLB days to SG. I appreciate you for the kind of leader/ate that you are to me. We miss you here in SG and hope to see you very soon.?

~ Lorraine

Thank you for all the advice you gave me from UP time up until now that I have my own family. I wont forget the time you told me to embrace my season of motherhood when I felt that, because of having kids, it had hindered my time with God and ministry. I felt released and empowered after your prayer. From then, I had a new perspective of serving God. And I always grab the opportunity to be available pa din in my own way. Thanks Ate, I appreciate you as my pastor, my friend, my ate.

~ Gie

I forever honestly love:

your Appetite and passion for pastries and paintings

your Hair inked with purple

your Laugh like Krissy 

your Mothering heart who disciplines much because you love much

your Ignited fire and love for the nations

your Relentless love for Destiny and your family and your Abiding love for God

Eternal Love and Care,

~ Tin

"Though I’m older by few years, you deserve the title my “Mother”. In wisdom and maturity in faith, you are way ahead. Thank you for the chikas til d wee hours and lengthy video calls which serve as extra battery life in times I needed recharging. You are a mother and friend rolled into one.  Thank you for showing me how to Mother the Nations! Labyu ❤

~ Thennie

To the woman like no other, such a beautiful soul, sobra sobrang pasasalamat pa din po sa pagtanggap nyo sa amin to be part of DMI family. Its been 6 blessed and fruitful years. Thank you for making us feel comfortable by simply smiling at us and by waving your hand. BEAUTY- You are the epitome of that one single word. You've touched all of our lives with beauty...? I love and honor you so much po. ?

~ Janice

I appreciate your life Ate. Your walk with God is a model to me since I was a baby Christian wag na lang banggitin yung year daw hehehe. Your pursuit of Him in your life is so genuine and pure that it is very reassuring for us and  we are confident that it is God-led. Keep moving forward ate and know that we are following your lead.

~ Anj

I want to take a moment to recognize your leadership within the church. You are great at keeping everything organized and delegating tasks that are better done by others. Thank you for keeping us on track with God’s mission for our church. The love you have for your family is equally important like the love you have for the church. Your personal health influences the health of the church. Take care of yourself. Thanks for you all you do! You are the best pastor ever.

~ Melinda

We are forever  grateful to God for bringing us  into this family and for giving us shepherds after His own heart. Thank you Pastor Paul & Ptra Ahl for all that you do in leading this family. We are so blessed by your lives. We love you and deeply appreciate you.

~ Jeanette Logico

You are the coolest and prettiest spiritual mom I've known. I will be forever grateful to the Lord for having you. Thank you for setting an example and leading our generation. I appreciate you so much. Love lots. ?❤

~ Wheltee

?❤Hi Mom Ahl, we thank you for all the love and sacrifices you generously give to all of us. Thank you for the wisdom and direction you give each time we meet. I know its not easy to be the Senior Pastor and it takes a lot of acceptance, sacrifices and tears just to love a single soul. That's why we are so proud of you for not giving. Remember that many of us love you and we are here whenever you need us. Happy Pastor's Month!

~  Towfer and Van

“Ate Ahl” is a friend, a mentor and “Mom” to many
Her passion for family, 100 nations and love for Jesus is contagious
She treasures friendships and genuine relationships
She exudes beauty from the inside out

For all that you are and all that you do, THANK YOU SO MUCH! We love and honor you, Ate Ahl!


~ Yvette Geroleo

I want to take this opportunity to thank you and honor you. You are not just a pastor to us, but a sister, a mother, and a friend. You have guided me in one of my struggles before and I appreciate everything you have done for me. You are a blessing and an inspiration. We love you!

~ Inna De Luna

Hindi ko po akalain na hahangaan mo ako (ay mali, honoring pastor's pala ito ?✌)
I remember when I was still new member of Destiny SG, kapag sinasabi nila na hinahanap nyo ako at ni Ate Jane kinakabahan ako, feeling ko kasi lagi ako principal's office dahil lagi akong wala or pasaway na naman ako ? 
But when I became part of DMI Metro only then when I get to know the real Ate Ahl (hindi naman pala sya terror, char! ?)
Ate Ahl, I truly honor you for being you. You have inspired me that being your true self is the best dress a woman could ever wear. And a woman with much wisdom is the best crown. Thank you for being an inspiration of faith and epitome of true beauty in the eyes of God. May your wisdom and unwavering faith be overflowing to reach and empower more woman around the globe. Love you Ate Ahl ♥️

~ Doreen Flores Lipio

Lester Ordan


2nd LG ko mag join daw yung pastor! Luh! Baka may recitation!
Didnt strike me at 1st ikaw yun (sorry youre like 1 of the guys) but when you spoke, wala ng duda.
Calm, gentle, measured tone with a lot of wisdom. As "1 of the guys", its easy to approach, relate, & pour out to you. You walk, grow, experience our journey with us. Thanks Sir Les! Paglaki ko gagayahin kita! ☺

~ Bobby Bermundo

I see Kuya Lester as a person who has always been passionate to teach and influence people.
I appreciate the heart and dedication he gave sa mga ginagawa nya. Ang dami dami matutunan everytime he talks, preach or share. His commitment and relationship to people is just so amazing. Super love ko si Kuya kasi ang gaan gaan nya kasama sa mga moments na kulitan lng -- ohhh, I missed those laughters while they were still here at Singapore. Game cia kahit anong trip ng grupo – Kumain at magkwentuhan, manood ng sine at even umakyat sa bundok. He is just so people person.
I deeply honour him as our Pastor. I pray and declare that God will continue to give him strength, wisdom, provision, good health and even deeper Encounters to fulfill all the purpose God had given him.

~ Rhush Sulit-Ramos

I hope you will be excited sa aking liham. Una po sa lahat gusto kong sabihin na we are blessed to have you as our Pastor. I am forever grateful to have a pastor na napaka-cool at gaan kasama. Salamat sa pagsama mo sa aming mga adventure ng mga men. Nakapagbigay po sa amin ng refreshement ang ganung mga activities. Sana maulit natin ulit kapag nasolutionan na ang Covid. Pangalawa, magpapasalamat ako sa pag-Father nyo sa aming lahat sa Destiny Sg. I remember kayo po ang unang leader na nagtangol sa akin sa isang event. During that time na-earn nyo po yung respeto ko to correct us with love and in the right place na alam nyo na safe ang feelings namin. Simula nun mas naging comfortable ako umattend sa church hindi lang dahil kay Jesus at kay Kim. Dahil nagkaroon ako ng masasabi ko na tagapagtangol na gaya mo. Salamat rin po sa Pre-Marriage at Marriage course na shinare nyo ni ate Jane. Hindi po perfect ang relasyon namin ni Kim. Pero blessed po kami sa mga life testimony at time na ibinigay nyo sa amin. Lastly, I can see you as patience, kind hearted and not easily anger Man of God. You shared a lot of verses and quotes about excellence. And until now binabasa ko po yung gift nyo ni ate Jane sakin title "Called to Excel". I pray that you will inspire more people around you kuya Lester. We miss you and love you. Pagpapala po sa inyo at sa inyong pamilya.

~ JM Santos

Jane Ordan


I admire you for your tenacity and persistence. Thank you for choosing to look at the ‘good’ in people and not giving up on me. Multiple blessings and favor be on your way always! I honor you!

~ Mary Rose Pascual

THANK YOU… for the love & care you genuinely pour out to us..for taking the time na kamustahin kami & our family..for loving us for who we are..for patiently journeying with us in this life. We appreciate all that you do & sacrifice for us. We honor you not just today but everyday. May God bless your family tremendously. We love you dearly❤️

~ Joy Koh

Thank you for all the love, care and prayers that you pour out on us here in Destiny SG and even to my own family. I appreciate all your thoughts and messages. The past 2 years have been difficult but hearing all your encouragements and prayers allows me to surpass the different seasons of my life. You are a blessing to everyone around you, Ate. I thank God for your life. I love you.

~ Abi Buentiempo

Ariel Tenorio


Pastor Ariel, I am grateful to you for being a voice of the Father's love in my life. You have encouraged me to be a loving father to my children and a loving husband to my wife. Thank you!

~ Ted Lim 

Thank you for sharing the love of the Lord with me, di ko malilimutan yung bonding natin sa Mt. Makiling, depress ako nung araw then you shared the light of hope with me; hindi pastor yung kailangan ko nung araw na yon - kundi isang kapatid na karamay at amang gagabay, at yon ka ng araw na yon Kuya Ariel. Salamat po, and may our Lord continue to bring you and your family a long life, divine health, and protection, so you can continue walking in His Awesome Plan 

~ Limuel Balba

Janneth Tenorio


Pinili ko po ang picture na ito dahil dito niyo pinaramdam na pamilya po kami. Niyakap nyo po kami,sinamahan at higit sa lahat hindi iniwan. Salamat po sa lahat. Were so blessed po sa heart nyo para saming lahat. Marami man ibato ang mundo sa inyo, Dalangin po namin na manatili ang inyong mga ngiting nagbibigay pag-asa sa amin. We love you!

~ Shiela and Rowel Bernal 

I’ve seen and heard so many things you have done for us, and we are grateful because you always have a willing heart and a helping hand to offer.Thankful po ako na naging part po kayo ng journey ko and ng life ko.We honor your heart for the people and for the Lord. We love you and we pray that you continue to enjoy the good things in life as God will meet your needs. Surely, you will see the goodness of God in the land of the living.

~ Patty Leocario

Nick Sosmeña

Senior Leader

To our Dearest Tatay Nick,

DMI City Church is blessed to have a pastor and a tatay in you. You have impacted our lives in so many positive ways and we look forward to creating more wonderful memories with you.

God bless you always and may God answer all your prayers.

Happy Pastors' Day!

~ DMI City Church Family

We admire you and your strength. We honour you and all that you've done for the Lord and for this family. You are truly a blessing! Thank you so much for pouring out to us, for the selfless acts of service. The Lord will always be you're rewarder and gift-giver.

~ Team Altoveros

Marivic Quero

Senior Leader

Forever grateful for grooming me with your understanding, love & prayers that really make who I am right nowI could listen to your stories, testimonies and words of wisdom everydayyyy. ?for mentoring me/usI am blessed and honored to be called your spiritual daughter. love you Pastora ?

~ Jane Fandialan

Hi Pastora Mavic! Happy Pastor's Appreciation Month! ?M: is for Mother of DMI San Pablo syempre Multi-talented at Maasikaso!Wooohhh!?A:is for Adorable(Fruit of the the Spirit is in you..Galatians 5:22-23)?V:is for Valor!I value our frienships more and more each day for I am very much honor you as faithful servant of God.?I:is for Intrepid!brave!because God is with you and you are holding the promises of God you are fearless to conquer it all!??Isaiah 41:10?C:is for Compassionate (Cheerful ,Caring and Calm! )-you are God's beloved that's why God's root is in you!Many will persecute you but,still you move with Compassion to the tasks and partnership with Jesus!Hallelujah!Praise God for your life!Mallorca-Alimagno Family loves you!Huggggsss!❤️❤️❤️

~ Oday Alimagno Mallorca

Nay, we are grateful to have you as part of our secret weapon in life! Following God is not easy but w/ you, reminding us w/ His words help to us to grow. We are not perfect & stamble a lot, thank you for your lending ears that during our audacious behavior you are there to help us heal. Somehow your words are like His that tells us we can change & compromise to be the best of us...We wish you greatness in touching peoples lives. We believe in your leadership so stand firm when trial comes. We love you & we look forward growing old with Destiny!

~ Yumi de los Reyes

Christopher Carandang

Senior Leader

Happy Pastor's appreciation month Coach. Thank you for all your sacrifices and for the big heart in leading Cabuyao, we admire and honor you po. We are blessed to have you as the pastor of our church. Mahal ka po namin.

~ Juanito Barcenas

Hi coach, mmy. chicha ito. the Lord taught me a lot of things through your marriage, ministry and family. and i can summarize it through these words "we will continue despite of"... there are a lot of things that had happened in your life that i witnessed and i must say the Grace of the Lord and His personal touch of empowerment sa inyo is very amazing.. i appreciate yung mga pag-guide, pagdate at pagsama nyo sa amin ni carm. ang prayer ko ay mas palakasin pa kayo ni God para mas marami pang tulad ko ang magbago at patuloy na binabago.. salamat po, we love you - Chicha.

~ Michael John Vullag

My Dearest Coach,

Thank you for being a good mentor, a great leader, father, teacher, and pastor to us. Coach we really appreciate your effort to teach us about God, we really appreciate your concern sa life po namin, lahat po ng learning na tinuro niyo po samin is gagamitin po namin everyday at lahat po ng mabubuting Bagay na tinuro niyo po samin ay ituturo rin po namin sa ibang tao. Coach maraming maraming salamat po sa lahat and God bless po.

~ Marvin Cervantes

Vergil John Ascabano

Senior Leader

I'm really blessed to be given the chance to tag along with Pastor Verge through our online platforms during this pandemic, like in SLC and in Agenda One global gatherings. I've witnessed how Pastor Verge is really a GIFT to us, DMI family, and to our Kingdom partners locally and all over the world.

~ Arian Jacildo

Destiny Los Banos is blessed to have a Pastor in the person of Verge Ascabano. As a leader, he is thinking of ways to bring the Church to a new level. He is willing to enter new territories or try new things, to be a blessing to the community. He has gained maturity through years of taking his role seriously. Inspite of that, you will have a taste of his humor, coming from out of the blue ?. Verge, could have taken a career somewhere else, but he chose to do Ministry. A testament to his willingness to sacrifice personal endeavor to a higher call. Being a talented person, he is continuously developing his skills and most recently gained popularity as an online program hosts. It's his way of expressing creativity and flexibility in order to be of value to others.

~ Jeric Bermudez


We appreciate you and your leadership, especially in this time of pandemic when nothing is certain. Your vision and your faithfulness in your calling hold people together. You help keep us one and closer to Him. We love you.

~ Team Altoveros

Val Celeste

Senior Leader

Dear Kuya Val and ate Barbs,

We know that being the pastor has got to be one of the hardest jobs in the world. We salute you! You have done the magnificent work to this church and we are so grateful for your humble service and endurance.Your kindness and love had reached our hearts and indeed we are so blessed to have you as our leaders, friends and even parents. Knowing you and Destiny had enlightened us and we have known God the most. You are comforting and loving. Thank you for being available when we needed a family especially to Caleb. We know that God used your faithfulness to encourage us to grow in our faith. You are supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Pastors. We love you!


~ Nic, Mariz & Caleb

To kuya Val mommy barbs and ate cati po Thank you for being there for us po especially in spiritual growth and support from the start, to my proposal and now we have caleb salamat po sa prayers and all. God bless you more po and continue to live this identity for all and for others who will be part of your life as it was a great impact on us.

~ Jan Nicole Balmaceda

Hi Kuya Val, I thank God for your wisdom. Thank you, because you are one of the reasons kung bakit mas na iintindahan ko ang word ni God. The way how you deliver your preachings it's as if God is really speaking to us. I thank God because he gave us not just a pastor but also a brother sa katauhan mo po. May God bless you more Kuya and more corny jokes to laugh at in the future.

~ Nicole Medilo

Dear Pastor Val,

I honor you Pastor Val for your tenacity and heart for people to know Christ. I like that the pandemic has not stopped you from your call but all the more you use the social media and online platform to your advantage. I thank God for your life as our dear pastor who readily and willingly tend the flock making sure that everyone is supported in whatever way you can. Your calm demeanor as you faced challenges is something to be reckoned with. May you continue to impact the lives of people around you as you press on in your pursuit of God and His presence. 


~ Janet

Dear Team Celeste,

You are a wonderful couple sent by God to disciple couples. Our stay here in Cambodia would not be the same without you. You have been a great part of God's plan for our life in this nation. We appreciate the time you spend with us despite your busy schedule. Thank you for always welcoming us in your home, prepared or unprepared ?
Thank you for all your sacrifices. We love you and we honor you. God bless your family. Happy Pastors Month!!!

~ Gloria Balatbat and Mark Anthony Balatbat

I just want to greet and give appreciation to our Leaders/Pastors who are the foundation of DMI Cambodia, keeping the family united and strongly bonded, to Ate Cati and Kuya and his family.

I want to say thank you for your service and effort to continue bringing people to GOD and keeping the fire and hunger to worship.

To Kuya Val and Ate Barbs, can't contain by words how thankful I am to your family. You open the doors of your home for me and invited me. I really saw your effort to let me feel that wherever i am there's family. I remember during Christmas last year, i already had the mindset that i will celebrate it alone, but you are there, you invited me to join your celebration. Then halos lagi na ako nasa inyo every saturday,haha. Kuya Val is not just there as a Pastor but as a Kuya talaga.I pray prosperity over your family, God will continue to provide your needs and guide you in everything you will do. Thank you again, see you again pag okay na situation?

~ Glendel Laylo

To our dear Pastor Val, Greeting and blessing in the name of our dear Lord Jesus! Pastor, I am really honored and blessed to have you as our pastor and leader. You have been so humbled and endure all the hardship in taking care of us in this flock. Indeed all your deeds help me to grow up a lot! God bless you po! With much live of Christ! Shalom! 

~ Theavy

Cathy Igcasan

Senior Leader

Dearest Mommy Cathy,

We miss you a lot! Thank you for all that you have done for us. Thank you for sharing your life with us, making us your own children. We treasure every moment with you. We’re looking forward to that time that Fave will be able to play with you, mask-free. She will surely love you as much as we do. Wag masyado magpagod, di na po tayo pabata.?

~ Team Altoveros

Hi Mommy Cathy,

I remember the year 2014. My season was in haywire and I looked for a physical sanctuary where I can be free to take in what was supposed to be a difficult season. And you were there. You did not shoo me away and instead loved me the way I can be loved. I will forever be thankful for the meaningful bond I have with you. Thank you, Mommy Cathy, for loving me like your own. I miss you always. 

~ Ella Tinio

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