Protect the Children

Text by Ella Tinio



Matthew 18:5-7 (NASB)

5 And whoever receives one such child in My name, receives Me; 6 but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it is better for him that a heavy millstone be hung around his neck, and that he be drowned in the depths of the sea.

7 “Woe to the world because of its stumbling blocks! For it is inevitable that stumbling blocks come; but woe to the person through whom the stumbling block comes!


In Matthew 18, we read about Jesus’ response to one of His disciple’s questions: “Who then is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” Jesus then proceeds to declare that whoever humbles himself like a child, he will be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Jesus continued and said that when we receive a humbled child in His name, it will be the same as receiving Jesus. But if we cause a child to sin, there will be a deathly punishment that will surely await us.

Let us emphasize the strong words that Jesus said about people who cause children to sin. We can see from the scripture how deep Jesus’ love is for the children (remember that old nursery rhyme: Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world). But how do we receive the hurt, the poor, and the broken children? How do we receive the children who, at an early age, were exposed to the sins of the world?

There is a great injustice done to the children of the world today. Sex offenders, child traffickers, war oppressors, and peddlers of child pornography steal away the joy and innocence of millions of children all over the world. How do we respond to these threats? How do we teach our own children to pray and to have compassion for other children who are and have been at the receiving end of the worst that society has to offer?

As believers, let us be the first ones to call out these injustices against children. Let us model compassion and justice, especially to the young ones who, by the grace of God, grew up in nurturing and safe environments. It is not about making them feel bad about the life that they are leading, but rather, giving them an opportunity to practice love and kindness to people whom they have not met yet. 

As we end this Children’s Month, let us be reminded to pray not just for our own children, but also for those who were orphaned, those who are still yet to be rescued, those who are growing up in the middle of the war, and those whose innocence have been stolen. They, too, are part of this new generation. They, too, hold the keys to changing the world. Let us pray that they, too, will know Jesus and be transformed from the inside out.


Pray for the salvation of the children of the world. Include in your prayers the anti-child trafficking efforts from government and private organizations all over the world. Pray that those who have committed crimes against children will experience the kindness of the Lord – the kindness that eventually will lead to their repentance. Let us pray for the protection of this new generation.

Ella Tinio is a development communication practitioner, a photographer, and of course, a worshiper. She loves the world! Yes, but not as much as she loves the Word. She hopes to use her vocation as a means to change the world and make solutions for its most pressing needs.


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