You Cannot Do It Alone

Text by Inah De Guia Tolentino


Exodus 18:24 (NASB)

So Moses listened to his father-in-law and did everything that he had said.


Moses used to spend his time from morning until evening judging all the disputes of his people. Jethro told him: “the task is too heavy for you; you cannot do it alone.” Jethro counseled Moses to assign judges instead who will carry the burden with him. 

Moses did as suggested, and things got better hence.

It was under Moses’ leadership that the Israelites got out of Egypt, but it is Jethro who made him a better leader. The day God called Moses from the burning bush, Moses was simply shepherding Jethro’s flock. Since then, God had raised him into becoming a great leader of a chosen nation. Yet despite this promotion, his heart remained humble enough to listen to Jethro’s counsel.

As church members and leaders, we need to maintain a lowly and contrite heart just like Moses. We’ll always need someone to guide us no matter how seasoned we feel we are. If you think you don’t need your pastors or mentors because you’re good on your own, remember that we don’t operate individually. We move as a body.

Church leaders should likewise recognize that we can’t bear the task on our own. We need to multiply ourselves and have others carry the burden WITH us. To take on  all the responsibilities will take from others the opportunity to learn and to grow. Leaders beget leaders.


As a Christian, do you recognize and respect the counsel of your pastors and leaders? 

As a leader, do you delegate the task there is to do – or do you think you’re the only person who can do the job right?

Let us all keep a humble and contrite heart like Moses – willing to listen, heed, and share. After all, we CANNOT do it alone.

Inah is a mother, a wife, a world traveler, a trainer, a public speaking coach, a writer, and a legit lipstick hoarder. She's passionate about sharing the gospel to people from around the globe. She gets to do that by working in international companies that employ people from very diverse cultures. She loves that the Word of God is always alive and true. She believes that the Bible is a narrative of His promises fulfilled - the same promises that still ring true to our lives today.


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